About thenine

Hey there, friend,

Ah, the journey of thenine. Let me take you through it, like an old friend sharing stories by the fireside.

It all began in 2016 when Aleksandr and Daria Sabri kickstarted the dream. Aleksandr, with his coding genius and business acumen, and Daria, the visionary who painted everything with her creative touch. Back in those days, thenine was a budding digital agency, home to a small yet fiery team of 6 developers. We built web and mobile apps, weaving dreams into digital realities.

However, by the end of two years, a realization dawned upon us. We were helping others build their dreams, but what about ours? So, with heavy hearts, we bid adieu to our team and embarked on a journey, just the two of us. We had a burning idea and our unwavering passion. That's when STORIO was born, and oh, what a debut it was! For a small indie team like us, the response was nothing short of a dream.

But life, as it always does, threw a curveball at us. The world grappled with a pandemic, and like everyone, we too faced our demons. 2020 was a pause button for life and business. But remember, every night has its dawn. In 2022, the fire in our bellies reignited, giving birth to ELIO, and soon after, REELIO in 2023.

In 2022, we decided to develop another application in the health and fitness category. Alexander Grossman joined our team, becoming the CEO of the new app SugarFree Food Scanner and the Director of Development for thenine's Singapore division.

So, you ask, what's thenine all about as 2024 approaches?

At its core, thenine is still a team of two. Two souls, burning bright with passion, committed to lighting up the digital world and striking a chord in the hearts of users. As for the site, it's the canvas where Aleksandr pours his thoughts and chronicles our business adventures.

2024? It's not just another year for us. It's personal. It's our comeback. We're gearing up, my friend. Big updates are on the horizon for our app ecosystem. And guess what? We're venturing into new terrains with some fresh apps, set to make their debut by the end of 2023.

So, here's the thing – we're locked, loaded, and ready to roll. Stay tuned, for the journey of thenine is one for the books. And trust me, you'd want a front-row seat.

thenine team 🚀

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